
Products > Methylacetal > Methylacetal


molecular formula CH3OCH2OCH3, molecular weight 76.1, vapor pressure 43.99kPa/20℃, flash point -17℃, melting point 104.8℃, boiling point 42.3℃, relative water density 0.86; The relative air density is 2.63

1. Physical property

Methylal: molecular formula CH3OCH2OCH3, molecular weight 76.1, vapor pressure 43.99kPa/20℃, flash point -17℃, melting point 104.8℃, boiling point 42.3℃, relative water density 0.86; The relative air density is 2.63, slightly soluble in water, miscible soluble in ethanol, ether and most other organic solvents, commercial products are currently mainly a mixture of 85% methylal and 15% methanol, colorless liquid, similar to the smell of chloroform.

(polymethoxy) has excellent physical and chemical properties, that is, good solubility, low boiling point, and water compatibility is good, Can be widely used in cosmetics, household products, industrial automotive supplies, pesticides, leather polish, rubber industry, paint, ink and other products, also because of the good oil removal ability and volatility of methal, as a cleaning agent can replace F11 and F113 and containing solvents, so it is a replacement of freon, reduce volatile organic compounds (WOCS) emissions. Environmental protection products to reduce air pollution.


① Application in pesticide formulation: Most insecticide formulations use permethrin, permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and insecticidal permethrin, which are difficult to dissolve in deodorized kerosene and water base. Therefore, additives such as dichloromethane, xylene, acetone and isopropyl alcohol are often used first to dissolve insecticides. The solubility of methyl acetal to pyrethrin is better than the above solvents, and the cost is lower. It can also replace chlorine-containing solvents; 

② In the application of leather polishing agent, automobile polishing agent formula: The formula of leather polishing agent generally uses a small amount of solid wax, microcrystalline wax, beeswax, carmitan wax, etc., if the use of dichloromethane, solvent gasoline, turpentine to dissolve is often difficult, and easy to layer, so that the quality of the product is unstable, the use of methylal, can improve the solvent performance, improve the quality, and volatilization fast, easy to use; The same situation also exists in the automobile glazing agent formula, especially the water-soluble property of methal, plays a great role in improving the stability of emulsified wax; 

③ In the application of air freshener formula: currently on the market for sale of air freshener flavor usually uses ethanol as a solvent, to achieve the miscible with polypropylene butane, the use of more ethanol, affect the smell of freshener; After the use of methylal, can make the solubility of flavor greatly improved, reduce the amount of ethanol, can improve the fragrance of freshener, reduce the emission of VOCs. Especially for the dry fog type air freshener, the use of a small amount of methylal can make the flavor of p-butane miscible, more can reflect the dry fog type "dry";

④ Application in the ribbon formula: in the ribbon formula mainly uses polymer polyacrylic acid solid raw materials, the original formula uses F11 as solvent, with the ban of freon, using methylal as solvent, will be able to achieve good solubility, fast volatilization purpose;

⑤ Application in the formulation of electronic equipment cleaner: F11 and F113 are used as the main raw materials in the current production. With the ban of freon, they will be replaced by methylal; Methylal in fat, wax, nitro fibers, natural resins, rosin, tolle oil, most synthetic resins, polystyrene, vinyl acetate polymers and copolymers, polyester, acrylic ester, metacrylate, polyamine resin, epoxy resin, chlorinated rubber for quantitative dissolution;

⑥ A small amount of methylal and ethanol, ester or ketone mixed can make the solvent synergistic effect, methylal these characteristics make it particularly suitable for paint and varnish formula, glue and binder, ink and various aerosol products in the additive, so that the product to obtain excellent uniform phase;

⑦ Fuel field, is used in diesel additives, biological gasoline, methanol gasoline additives, improve fuel atomization effect, make fuel utilization rate is higher. New solvent - Methylal (Methylal), methylal (dimethyl methane) has excellent physical and chemical properties, that is, good solubility, low boiling point, and water compatibility is good, can be widely used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, household products, industrial automotive supplies, industrial automotive supplies, pesticides, leather polish agent, rubber industry, paint, ink and other products, Because of its good oil removal ability and volatility, methylal can replace F11 and F113 and chlorine-containing solvents as cleaners, so it is also an environmental protection product to replace freon, reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCS) emissions and reduce air pollution.

3. Storage and packaging

Storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. The temperature of the warehouse should not exceed 29℃. Keep the container sealed. It should be stored separately from oxidizers and acids, and should not be mixed. Do not store in large quantities or for long periods of time. Explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities are adopted. Do not use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to spark. The storage area should be equipped with leak emergency treatment equipment and suitable holding materials.

Packaging: Dangerous chemicals can in tank truck.

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